Dates and Details
- May 13 – 14, 2023 – Glendo –
- June 3 – 4, 2023 – Glendo
- July 15 – 16, 2023 – Seminoe
- CHAMPIONSHIP – August 19 – 20, 2023 – Boysen
Please Read for the 2025 Tournament Season
As our tournament season is about to begin we would like to cover a few IMPORTANT ITEMS. First thank you to all of you for the support over the last 14 years! Especially our Sponsors, who have always supported us each year and have played a key part in letting us pay back over 85% each year! That brings us to some important guidelines we need to follow as our season moves forward.
The Wyoming Walleye Stampede’s Governor’s Cup will be held May 31st & June 1st, 2025, at Glendo Reservoir! This event will be capped at 140 teams, we will have a team waiting list just to be safe. This event will have bigger payouts, some better prizes and be an event you won’t want to miss!
Each team must complete, sign, and submit an official “Wyoming Walleye Stampede” (WWS) entry form along with payment for fees by the published due dates. A $30.00 returned check fee will be charged on all returned checks. Contestants must enter as two-person teams. Any person 18 years of age or younger must be teamed with a parent or guardian. Any change of team members must be approved by tournament officials and a new application must be signed.
The entry fee for each team will be $420 per event($20 from every entry will be put into the Championship pot). Payment must be included with each entry. Check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover will be accepted. Mailing address is: Wyoming Walleye Stampede, PO BOX 50472, Casper, WY 82605-0472.
Participants will have choice of boat position (1st or last based on first come, first served) with deposit. Any team that fails to pay balance by date indicated on application will forfeit deposit. You will receive confirmation via email, phone, or through our website, Entries will be accepted up until 10pm the Wednesday the week of the event. No entries will be accepted into the tournament after 10pm the Wednesday the week of the event.
All participants fishing the Wyoming Walleye Stampede must be off the water with boats trailered by 4:30pm on Friday. If inclement weather or boat traffic is predicted high, anglers must plan ahead to be off of the water. In case of an emergency or unforeseen situation that would prevent a team member from attending the mandatory rules meeting, the tournament director must be notified prior to rules meeting time @ 307-258-8898. Rules meeting will be at 6:30pm at the specified location. Any watercraft coming from out of the state of Wyoming, is required to undergo a mandatory inspection by an authorized AIS inspector prior to launching. All Contestant Boats must be Drained, Clean, and Dry prior to launching. Any contest boat may be subject to an AIS inspection at the discretion of the WGFD. More information on AIS can be found at
Each participant must observe safe boating conduct at all times. Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are not to be consumed or allowed in the tournament boats during tournament hours. All tournament boats must have all Coast Guard required safety equipment, including type IV throw cushions, fire extinguisher, and distress horn, flag, or whistle. It is recommended that all boats be equipped with a marine radio. All boats will be inspected prior to launch. Boats will be permitted to launch from any location on the lake but must check in at the designated location prior to launch. Any boat not checked in by 6:50 am will be required to wait until all boats have launched and will be inspected on the water and will lose their boat launching position for that day. It is recommended that you arrive at least 1 ½ hours prior to launch. All teams are subject to inspection during the tournament. Tournament staff boats may come alongside, board a boat and conduct inspections at any time. No other boats may come within 50 feet of any contestants boats. No fishing information (including location, fishing presentation, or fishing technique) may be given to contestants during tournament fishing hours by anyone in any fashion. (Tournament hours are from take-off until the final teams weigh sheet is turned in) Cell phones are allowed for safety purposes only. No contact between competitors or non-competitors is allowed during tournament hours. No internet access is allowed, nor is text messaging, paging, or walkie-talkies to another person during tournament hours. The tournament director may request phone records in the course of investigating an incident report. All contestants agree to provide such records if requested of them. Each contestant must wear a Coast Guard approved personal flotation device when the main motor is operating above idle and a wake is made.
Contestants in violation of this rule will be disqualified for the day. In the event of a thunderstorm, lightning, or severe weather, participants may pull into the nearest shoreline until it is safe to continue fishing. Participants may not leave their boats during tournament hours except severe weather forces them to shore. Tournament director must be notified in the case of an emergency.
Tournament will be conducted as a catch and release event where fish will be measured per game and fish standards (tail pinched) on the water then released. (Progressive live release) Tournament director will assign boat numbers on a first-come first-serve basis. Participants may choose to be towards the front or towards the end of the field on their application and given the next# available. Boats will launch in single file by direction of the tournament officials. Official tournament hours will be from the time the first boat is signaled to take off until the final weigh sheet is collected. Tournament will be a two day competition unless delayed or shortened due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. Each participant will be required to check-in each morning before take-off and will be required to check-in at the end of the day with the official time keeper. Contestants who arrive one to fifteen minutes later than their assigned flight check-in time will forfeit ½ of their fish(in possession) weight for that day. Teams later than 16 minutes later than their assigned time will not be permitted to weigh any additional fish. If a team checks in late, but had fished weighed prior to being late, their fished weighed earlier will be counted with no penalty. On tournament day fishing by participants is only permitted during tournament hours. Contestants must stay off tournament waters before and after tournament hours except to navigate to and from the check-in site and launch facilities. Participants must abide by all game and fish and state parks regulations. Any participant cited for breaking any game and fish or state park regulations from 6pm Friday until 6pm Sunday will result in disqualification. Only fish 15 inches and larger will be measured. Fish will be measured in ¼ inch increments. Each team will be allowed to measure 12 fish per day with a maximum of five fish in possession at any one time per team. Any short fish brought in to weigh will not count towards daily weight; however, will count towards one of the 12 fish maximum. (Exception at Glendo: Any fish “under 15 inches” brought in to be measured will result in automatic disqualification) The time fish spend in a livewell shall be no more than three (3) hours. Once 5 walleyes are in the livewell, anglers must immediately proceed to a weigh station. Fish unable to right themselves after weigh in shall be declared dead and shall be given to the contestant and count toward the contestant’s possession limit. No culling is allowed. Teams will be disqualified from the tournament if found culling. If any fish is questionable (white gills, soft flesh, sunken eyes, etc.) due to poor handling, these fish will not be counted towards weight but will count towards the 12 fish limit. After teams have their fish measured, one member of the team will sign to confirm the measurements. At the end of the day the largest 5 fish will be counted towards their daily weight. Protest committee will comprise of the tournament director, one staff member, and one randomly selected participant. A $100 protest fee must be filed with a written protest within 30 minutes of the final weigh-in time. We strongly recommend participants use digital cameras or camcorders with date/time stamp to document their claims. The protest committee and their agents are authorized to utilize any investigative technique in order to determine the validity of the protest or the charge against any contestants. The decision of the protest committee shall be the majority vote and shall be final in all cases. Contestants waive any right or opportunity to appeal the decision of the protest committee to a higher authority, including any court or jurisdiction in this or any other state. If a protest by a contestant is found to be valid, the protest fee will be returned with a $100 reward. If the protest is found invalid the protest fee will not be returned. Any person found violating the rules may be immediately disqualified and the reasons for said disqualifications will be announced at the weigh in. Payouts will be a minimum of 80%. Twenty percent (20%) of the teams participating in the tournament will be awarded prizes of cash.
All ties will be determined by big fish from day one. It is the intention of this tournament to promote good sportsmanship and fair play. Un-sportsman like conduct and cheating will result in disqualification. Interpretation of the rules shall be left exclusively to the tournament rules staff and committee and all decisions will be evaluated and will be final. Rules have “loopholes” however the “Spirit of the rule” will apply in judgments.
Divisional qualifications shall be defined as follows:
- Family Division – shall be defined as team consisting of immediate family only.
- Young Gun, team competing where one member is under the age of 35.
- Poor Boys, is any team participating with a 125 horsepower motor or less.
- Dinosaur Division is any team with the combined age of team members is 100 years or more.
In the event that 1 day of an event has to be cancelled, the event will become a 1 day event. All standings after that day will be used for awards.
Top 50 Teams from the season’s point standings will be invited to Boysen Reservoir August 8th & 9th, 2020. Entry fee will be $400 per team with 100% paid back. C.P.R.(Catch Photo Release) Format.
First place at each tournament (regardless of the number of participants) will be awarded 200 points. POINTS: are accumulated at each qualifying tournament with:
- 200 point for 1st
- 195 points for 2nd
- 192 points for 3rd
- 190 points for 4th
- 189 points for 5th
- 188 points for 6th
- 187 points for 7th
- 186 points for 8th
- 185 points for 9th
- 184 points for 10th
- 183 points for 11th
- 182 points for 12th
- 181 points for 13th
- ***less 1 point for each place following ,teams who don’t catch fish will be given last place points.
I understand that this is a sporting event governed by the rules that have been established by the tournament officials. I acknowledge that I have received a copy of these rules and that these rules relate to the safety of all participants as well as the fair sporting conduct of this event. The Tournament Officials shall act as the referee in all disputes and their decisions based on the interpretation of the rules will be final without legal appeal. I understand there are never refunds for tournament entry fees.
I acknowledge that I am participating voluntarily in the Wyoming Walleye Stampede Tournament. I agree to assume all risk of injury, death, damages, theft and loss to personal property which may result from my participation in the WWS tournament. I recognize that loss of property, injury, or death could arise from the fishing and boating activities contemplated by the tournament and the risks normally encountered in open-water fishing from a boat may be enhanced by exposure to the elements and other risks inherent in the outdoor competition. We release all officials, staff, participating sponsor companies and agencies from any claim what so ever on account of first aid or treatment. Participants must carry proper liability boat insurance.
I understand and agree that any and all photographs, video or films taken during the course of my participation in the tournament which includes me, my name and/or my boat may be used by the tournament organizers, sponsors or media without my prior consent and royalties.